Single-use bags of the future

Single-use bags of Tomorrow will safely degrade via composting or in EPA landfills and converted to energy


Single use bags of the future will degrade in one of two ways

Bag Type Landfill-fill Safe Compostable
Food service bags
for sanitation):
Trash bags:
Produce bags
(& meat & bulk foods):
Deli bags:
Food storage
(& freezer) bags:
Garment bags:
Prescription bags:
Newspaper bags:
Retail plastic packaging bags:
Landfill-safe: Completely degrades in EPA-LMOP landfills without releasing GhG.
Compostable: Composts in an industrial composting facility (will release GhG).



Concerned environmentalists are right about the future: The large majority of plastic disposables should be degradable and returned to the earth. However, they are generally mistaken that composting is the only solution.

Compostable plastics only degrade in industrial composting facilities, and release GhG. Very few facilities exist in the U.S. Most already a have glut of compost piling up. Landfill-safe technologies are available at much lower costs, which technologies we also support.